The current exhibition will kick off our second annual Womxn-in-Need Donation Drive. From February 13th - April 20th donations can be dropped off at Project for Empty Space, located at 800 Broad St. Newark, NJ, or ordered via Amazon Smile. Donations will be distributed to Newark and surrounding NJ initiatives dedicated to caring for womxn and families.

Suggested donations include:
A&D healing cream, Baby Bottles, Baby Diapers, Baby Wipes, Bandaids, Body Wash, Chapstick, Conditioner, Cotton Balls, Dental Floss, Deodorant, Diaper Rash Ointment, Face-masks, Face Tissues, Face or Body Lotion, Face wash, First Aid, Giftcards, Hair brush, Hair ties, Hand Sanitizer, Hand Soap, Mouth wash, Nail Clippers, Nail Files, Nail Polish, Q-Tips, Reusable Water Bottles, Sanitary Pads, Sanitizing Wipes, Shampoo, Sunscreen, Tampons, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Tweezers, Undergarments and Socks. *New*

Partners Include:

The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

The YWCA Union County is on a 100 year old mission to empower survivors of domestic violence to become safe and free from abuse, and to promote social justice and eliminate violence against women and girls. We accomplish this mission through the provision of comprehensive, client-centered services, and through education, collaboration and advocacy that builds safe, informed and supportive communities.

You can learn more information about them at, like them on Facebook at @YWCAUnionCounty, or follow them on Instagram @ywcaunioncounty.

The City of Newark, Office of Homeless Services and The Newark Hope Village 
The Office of Homeless Services works collaboratively with stakeholders to promote the safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of homeless persons – through strengthening the homeless service delivery system, with the ultimate goal of ending homelessness.  

Their new initiative, the Newark Hope Village is the City of Newark’s emergency response to a global pandemic, frigid temperatures and an increasing chronically homeless population. The Newark Hope Village is a low barrier shelter community built from repurposed shipping containers and transformed into a therapeutic service oriented community. Through this project, we are seeking to accommodate the city’s most vulnerable homeless single men and women. Services will include: case management and connections to housing; detox and behavioral health referrals; food; laundry; and employment supports. The goal of this project is to provide a safe, warm and comfortable environment, while offering continued housing assistance.