2010 - 2013
Tehniyet Masood: Project For Empty Space
September 1 - September 30, 2010
Alex Callender
: Exploration by the Public
Etiquette For Lucid Dreaming (#E4LD)
October 11- December 21st, 2013
Featured Artists: Amelia V Panico, Alyssa Lawler, Alex Callender, Ariana Barat, Brian Leo, Bruno Miguel, Chloe Bass, David Antonio Cruz, Feng-Tsung Chan, Field Trip (Larry Dunn, Leonora Loeb, Pamela Matsuda-Dunn and Andy Monk), Kameelah Rasheed, Leila Lai, Hiroshi Kumagai, Igor + Yuri Alves, Jaret Vadera, Jennifer Wroblewski, Jeremy D Slater, Katerine Gomez, Kelly Anne Pinho, Krista Svalbonas, Marcy Cheveli, Milcah Bassel, Pooneh Maghazehe, Roshani Thakore, Petros Nagakos, Tehniyet Masood and Zoran Dragelj.