Delano Dunn was born in Los Angeles, California, and currently lives and works in New York City. Through painting, mixed media, and collage, Dunn explores the questions of racial identity and perception through various contexts, ranging from the personal to the political, and drawing from his experience growing up in South Central LA. He has had solo exhibitions in Los Angeles, New York, and Buffalo, and is currently completing an MFA at the School of Visual Arts in New York, most recently at The 2016 Affordable Art Fair in New York City. Group exhibitions include PULSE New York, The Delaware Contemporary, Recession Art and more. His work has been featured in VICE Media’s The Creators Project, PrintbyPrint, Artbean, and Black Artist News. He was the recipient of the College Art Association’s prestigious Visual Arts Graduate Fellowship, the Delaware Contemporary’s Curator’s Choice Award, and SVA’s Edward Zutrau Memorial Award and Alumni Thesis Scholarship Award. Upcoming exhibitions include the MFA Fine Arts thesis show at The Hole, at Artspace in New Haven, and at Project Empty Space in September. A solo exhibition of his new work will open at Long Gallery Harlem in March 2017.

Click here to view Dunn’s AIR Program Solo Exhibition: Dreams of Fire and Starshine

This residency was made possible in part by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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